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Template:Infobox episode


Plot Outline


  • 24 Hour Party People
  • The Princess Bride
  • RoboCop


Pop Culture

The episode title is a reference to the 2002 film 24 Hour Party People.

Sookie: Well, when you spotted the videographer, you got suddenly very excited to film your audition tape for America's Next Top Model.

Colin: Oh, Finn. Finn: Oh, Buttercup.

Miss Patty: Oh honey, please. I've given more drunken toasts than Colin Farrell. You owe me nothing.

Paris: Larry Summers is right, Rory. Our university system is crumbling. Did you know that?

Anna: It's a rave. Her friends call you Hagrid.

Lorelai: It's been a while since I've sent out a care package. You could be up to your eyeballs in Mad Libs, Silly String, and malted milk balls.
