Lorelai's House is a fictional location on Gilmore Girls, located in Stars Hollow, Connecticut.
Lorelai bought this house in 1995[1] after she saved enough money from working at the Independence Inn. Most of the furniture found in the house, including the beds, are discarded pieces from the Inn, courtesy of Mia. Everything else is items Lorelai has added over the years – including the infamous monkey lamp and the dancing rabbi doll which plays Hava Nagila. This is where Rory grew up.
In 2001, Lorelai has to tent the house because they get termites.[2] In 2005, Luke and Lorelai start to have the house renovated to add an expansion as they get engaged and are planning to start a family together once married.
The house has two storeys. From the entry downstairs, with a small square hallway, there's two archways - one on the right leading into the hallway from the living room to the kitchen, and another on the left, leading in to living room. The kitchen has a backdoor, which Babette often uses when she pops over. Rory's bedroom is downstairs, adjacent to the kitchen, while Lorelai's room is upstairs to the left. The stairs lead to a small hallway, ending in the bathroom. The upstairs is featured much more when Luke and Lorelai begin the remodel and expansion of the bedroom.
- It is directly 5 minutes from the Townsquare.
- Emily and Richard first visit the house in 2001.
- Lorelai's paternal grandmother, Trix, only visited once, in 2003.
- Early on, there's a bathroom downstairs, which is later a closet (the one where Lorelai stores the Dean box).
- Rory would been nine or ten years old when she moved into the house. She would have live in the house 8 or 9 years after she graduated high school.